Founder giving speech

Dr Man M Sharma was an educator for over 50 years and held several senior academic and administrative positions in different universities in the USA and India.

His life work was providing quality education in classrooms. He dedicated his life to creating the most comprehensive math content online.

He worked tirelessly toward his vision along with his EducoSoft team. On Mar 27 2023, Dr. Sharma passed away peacefully, leaving behind a legacy of unwavering dedication to education. While no one can fill his shoes, his vision and passion continue to guide the EducoSoft team.

We are committed to carrying forward his mission of bringing the best learning content to classrooms, ensuring that his vision remains alive and thriving. EducoSoft is supported by a dedicated team of educators, content creators, administrators, and IT experts who bring education to classrooms with the same dedication that Dr. Sharma had.

Our vision to bring math mastery globally to students while empowering teachers continues.

Dr. Man M. Sharma: Video Archive